Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet consectetu ocilng elit. Donec eros aseb dui, suscipit ex uti commodo dignis justo acas turpis egestas. Nullam et cursus pet tellus sapien. Nam nec elementum elit. Pellentesque habi tant morbi tristique senectus et netus emalesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed mollis ligula vitae in soda ales lorem consec molestie. Quisque rices portti toiquet odio. Pellentesque porttitor pretium elt atpla cerat. Integer sapien mauris, convallis fatred quis tinciduna, bibendum the sit amet augue.

Proin leo quam, dapibus vel tristique lacinia, pharetra sed dui. In congue futelis eget eros stibulm, sit amet aliquet lia ferentum bonec id elit dolor. Nullam rhoncus au quam caliquam perdiet. Suspe ndisse quis augue dapibus, interdum felisut, feugiat purus. Duis at accumsan ligula, vel sed leo nibh. Quisque sollicit udin ornare nivel faucibus. Quisque tempus eleifend magna id efficitur.

Prep Time: 10 mins

Nullam et cursus pet tellus sapien. Nam nec elementum elit. Pellentesque habi tant morbi tristique senectus et netus emalesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed mollis ligula vitae in soda ales lorem consec molestie. Quisque rices portti toiquet odio. Pellentesque porttitor pretium elt atpla cerat. Integer sapien mauris, convallis fatred quis tinciduna, bibendum the sit amet augue.

Proin leo quam, dapibus vel tristique lacinia, pharetra sed dui. In congue futelis eget eros stibulm, sit amet aliquet lia ferentum bonec id elit dolor. Nullam rhoncus au quam caliquam perdiet. Suspe ndisse quis augue dapibus, interdum felisut, feugiat purus. Duis at accumsan ligula, vel sed leo nibh.

  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/3 cup sesame oil
  • 1/3 cup light low sodium soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons chili paste
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 knob of fresh ginger, peeled and grated

  1. Chili Sesame Sauce: Shake all the sauce ingredients in a jar or toss them in the food processor and give them a whirl. If you’re going to have this cold, refrigerate your sauce for a while.
  2. Tofu: Press excess moisture out of the tofu. Cut into bite-sized pieces. Heat a tiny bit of oil in a nonstick pan. Add the tofu and stir fry until golden brown. Add about 1/2 cup sauce and simmer until the sauce starts to evaporate/absorb into the tofu and becomes brown in the pan. Keep gently flipping and scraping browned bits off the bottom – after a while, you should end up with nice golden brown tofu with some little yummy browned bits from the sauce.
  3. All Together: Spiralize your zucchini and toss with about 1/4 cup sauce per serving. Top with tofu, sesame seeds, and scallions. Serve immediately.

  • If you want to add a protein, stir fry it first, before the vegetables, then remove from heat while you cook the vegetables. Add back into the pan at the end with the noodles.

Nutrition Fact: Calories Per Serving: 450

Kategoriler: Gluten free

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